Pid wrote:
On 15/12/2009 16:05, Peter Crowther wrote:
2009/12/15 André Warnier<>

But maybe you could just create a link, inside your deployment directory,
to the mount ?

/opt/Tomcat/webapps/myApp/docs -->  /opt/document-repository

If you're going to do this, be Very Very Careful.  Tomcat doesn't follow
symbolic links by default, even on UNIX. This is for a very good reason: if you do this, Tomcat *will* follow the symlink and delete your PDFs when you
undeploy your webapp.

(Although I did specify read access for the Tomcat user-id. If it does not have write access to the directory pointed to, it should not be able to delete the files, right ?)

You probably don't want this to happen.

This is a common enough use case (it comes up about once a month on the
list) that Someone may have coded a quick "serve the content from this
directory" servlet, probably based on the root webapp.  Chris?  You're
generally the coder with quick hacks already developed...

The OP already has a servlet AFAICT.  It's just not working.

I think indeed the OP has some kind of servlet, and that one works.
But I understood that he wanted Tomcat to serve these documents directly, as files, not going through a servlet.
Maybe I got that wrong.
OP ?

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