Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Chetan Chheda []
Subject: Limit user sessions in tomcat

Is there a way through configuation of tomcat and mod_jk to control
the number of concurrent transactions/sessions a user can maintain?

Don't know about what you might be able to configure in httpd, but in Tomcat 
this is frequently done with a filter in conjunction with an 
HttpSessionListener to insure a user session is being used by an excessive 
number of concurrent requests.  This keeps the throttling independent of the 
logic in the webapp.

There exist a couple of add-on filter modules at the Apache level to handle that kind of thing. It might be better to do it at the earliest possible level, before you even hit mod_jk or Tomcat.

On another level, I don't quite understand yet how this squares with the fact that most browsers will not establish more than 2 connections with the same webserver at the same time. It seems a bit difficult to imagine that one single user can "crash" a Tomcat just by repeatedly hitting the same link.
Maybe the OP should just find that user and tell him to stop doing that.

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