set the HeapDumpPath option, so you can actually write to a location on disk

On 02/02/2010 02:19 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Laird Nelson []
Subject: Still unable to get a heap dump from Tomcat running on Windows
as a service

I am still unable to get Tomcat to dump heap when it encounters an
You appear to be unique in that regard, since no one else seems to be having 
that problem.

I'm using the graphical program that comes up when you select "Monitor
Tomcat" from the Windows Start Menu.  I assume this is TomcatW.exe?
Not quite; it's tomcat6w.exe (note the digit and no caps).

I have Tomcat 6.0.20 running as a service under the default
local user account
What's a "default local user account"?  Try using a real account, possibly one 
in the administrators group to see if that makes a difference.

set to be allowed to interact with the desktop
Not needed.

I've specified -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:\crap, and -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/crap
to no avail.
Try just leaving that parameter out.

I've set the working path for the Startup and Shutdown tabs
to C:\crap and C:/crap with no effect.
The Shutdown working path doesn't matter, since that's not normally used.  Try 
setting the Startup path to the Tomcat installation directory after 
reinstalling Tomcat.  The direction of the slash doesn't seem to matter; I get 
the .hprof file generated in the designated directory regardless of which I use.

I've set memory to a minimum of 512 and a maximum of 1024 MB.
You normally want those to be the same for a server environment to avoid heap 

I entered the JVM options one per line.
That is a requirement.

The tomcat documentation says to enter them separated by either
a "#" or a ";"
That's for command-line usage, not the GUI.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try before giving up on
Tomcat in favor of either Jetty or (God help me) JBoss?
Sounds like a baby with the bathwater solution...

I would try removing the existing Tomcat service, reinstalling the current 
(6.0.24) Tomcat from the .zip download, using the service.bat script to create 
the service, and only then try recreating the OOM problem.  Unpack the .zip 
download into someplace other than C:\Program Files.  Also try setting the 
Level on the Logging tab to Debug rather than Error to see if that shows 
anything interesting.

  - Chuck

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