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On 2/9/2010 11:01 PM, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
> Tomcat 6

Tomcat 6.what?

> Our application non-java client (C/Java)  are occasionally seeing
> Http 505.

Do you know what the HTTP 505 response code means? It means that the
HTTP version of the client is not supported. See
http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html for more information.

Does the server reply with a response body?

> But there is no such error being logged in the tomcat access
> log.

Maybe Tomcat isn't causing the error. Do you have:

1. Apache httpd out front?
2. Any proxy servers between the Internet and your server?
3. Any proxy servers between the client and the Internet?

> Clients are for sure seeing 505 but we are not so I am wondering
> if someone can help me understand why that might be occurring? In the
> response header they see:
> Response header: Apaache-Coyote/1.1
> Response header: connection close

What about the body? You should also find out what the URI request lines
look like that are coming from the client. If they look like this:

GET / HTTP/6.0

...then you are probably going to get errors.

- -chris
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