On 11 February 2010 15:29, Caldarale, Charles R
<chuck.caldar...@unisys.com> wrote:
>> From: Peter Crowther
>> 3) Most insidiously, if the system's loaded or allocated something
>> that it can't move in the middle of your process' address space, it
>> may be unable to move that.
> Doesn't happen.  The JVM reserves the maximum heap space, but doesn't commit 
> or otherwise touch it until needed.  Nothing else can be allocated in the 
> reserved space.  Regardless, once an item (e.g., DLL) is loaded in a 
> particular process space, it won't be moved (it might be removed, but not 
> relocated).

That's good to know.  My "deep" knowledge of process memory allocation
is still stuck in the dark ages, with the old-style UNIX brk(2); at
least the modern OSs are better than that!

- Peter

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