2010/2/13 George Baxter <gbax...@shutterfly.com>:
> Hello,
> We're running into an issue with tomcat 6.0.18 running on solaris.
> Occasionally a request will come through that has cookies in the header, but
> the request.getCookies() returns no cookies.

How do you observe that? You mean that it is present in
HttpServletRequest.getHeaders("Cookie") ?

>  This causes the user to lose
> session since even the JSESSIONID cookie is not recognized, and of course
> all our custom cookies are lost.  It seems to happen randomly, across our
> web site, and varies in frequency from every 2-3 requests to over 200
> requests before it happens again.
> There's no change to the cookie values (or very little) between requests.
> In addition, this only seems to be a problem on solaris.  Running on MacOSx
> or Linux and we don't see the issue.  Also, we don't have the problem in
> Tomcat 5.5.

Any other details on your configuration?

What connectors are you using? HTTP/AJP? Nio/Bio/Apr? (usually some
org.apache.coyote.* class is mentioned in the startup log in a
"Starting Coyote .." message)   Do you have Apache HTTPD in front of
Tomcat?   Do you have HTTP proxies around?  Are failing requests
coming from some specific client? Are they coming from some specific

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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