I have a new website that I'm using to bring my skills up to date and I'm running into a file does not exist issue.

This is a very simple JSP/STRUTS application that I have working on my home system using NetBeans 6.8 and TomCat 5.5.28. It is made up of a couple of JSP pages and a STRUTS actionform and action. Very simple. A form is displayed for the user to enter data into, a submit button is pressed, and a new page is then rendered that displays the input entered on the form.

My execution starts via a JSP named, newArticle.jsp.

This renders a form (without issue) which has a few text fields that the user enters data into and hits the submit button which calls <html:form action="/addArticle">.

I am now expecting a success JSP to be rendered that displays the information that was entered on the form.

What I'm getting is the following:

[Sat Feb 13 08:19:10 2010] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xx.xxx] File does not exist: 

The site I'm deploying to uses TomCat 5.5.25 and when I deploy to my site I use CPANEL File Manager to copy the files individually rather than dropping a WAR file in as they do not recommend dropping in a WAR file.

I have copied the *.JSP files directly under the public_html folder of the site and the remainder of the components are in the WEB-INF folder directly under the public_html folder.

Again, this all works fine in my NetBeans / TomCat test at home.

I must not be deploying my components to the correct directory structure? Or maybe I need to change my WEB.XML (which does not seem right as this is testing fine in NetBean / TomCat at home).

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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