Thanks for replying .....

Yes, it is ugly I agree with that ..... but I'm just starting out ... small steps

Anyway, I figured I'd start off with something small and easy.

I did pass a few emails back and forth with the support staff but they pushed it back on me ...

They told me to talk with the developer ...... I laughed as I am the developer (Been writing code for 30+ years professionally ... mainframes).

It was kind of sad and funny in a way ..... these guys were in India somewhere and the broken English was a hilarious. But they didn't help at all.

So I just figured it was very a simple thing ... I create a WEB-INF, populate it with all of the components that were in the directory on my home testing machine, and I'd be off and running.

But I can't get past the submit button .... It thinks for some reason it needs This leads me to think the WEB-INF needs to be not only under the public_html directory but down further in another directory named for the app. So then if I execute www.?.com\myApp\newArticle.jsp (where myApp is the name of the directory where the WEB-INF and all my other components are ..... that would work?

I'm just trying to trudge through this ..... but I wish those Rat b...@stards in the support staff were more help ...... but what can you do

I do appreciate the help though .... any ideas and suggestions at this point woud be great ....



On 2/14/2010 9:55 AM, Pid wrote:
On 14/02/2010 11:58, Steve Campisano wrote:
I have a new website that I'm using to bring my skills up to date and
I'm running into a file does not exist issue.

This is a very simple JSP/STRUTS application that I have working on my
home system using NetBeans 6.8 and TomCat 5.5.28. It is made up of a
couple of JSP pages and a STRUTS actionform and action. Very simple. A
form is displayed for the user to enter data into, a submit button is
pressed, and a new page is then rendered that displays the input entered
on the form.

Tomcat != TomCat.  (Why does anyone think it's called TomCat?)

My execution starts via a JSP named, newArticle.jsp.

This renders a form (without issue) which has a few text fields that the
user enters data into and hits the submit button which calls <html:form

I am now expecting a success JSP to be rendered that displays the
information that was entered on the form.

What I'm getting is the following:

[Sat Feb 13 08:19:10 2010] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/w1smchdj/public_html/

The site I'm deploying to uses TomCat 5.5.25 and when I deploy to my
site I use CPANEL File Manager to copy the files individually rather
than dropping a WAR file in as they do not recommend dropping in a WAR

Sounds ugly.

I have copied the *.JSP files directly under the public_html folder of
the site and the remainder of the components are in the WEB-INF folder
directly under the public_html folder.

Again, this all works fine in my NetBeans / TomCat test at home.

I must not be deploying my components to the correct directory
structure? Or maybe I need to change my WEB.XML (which does not seem
right as this is testing fine in NetBean / TomCat at home).

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Without seeing the server.xml, any application context.xml or additional config, we're going to struggle to help you.

You may well be better off asking the site's admins for support, if you can't provide the above.


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