Dear All


I've tried googling this but can't find much, so I was hoping one of you
guys might be able to help me.


My web application lives under IIS's "Default Web Site". It needs to use the
Tomcat JK redirector, so I have added the redirector as an ISAPI Filter on
the "Default Web Site". This means any websites which live under the
"Default Web Site" will use the redirector. 


This is fine, however, there are other third-party websites which live under
IIS's "Default Web Site", which means the change I made above (adding the
redirector as an ISAPI Filter on the "Default Web Site") also affects these
third party websites.


So my question is this:


Are there any known performance issues with the Tomcat JK redirector, in
particular, any performance issues which could affect the third-party
websites as explained in my example above?


Any advice appreciated.





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