Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Mario Splivalo []
>> Subject: Re: Two contexts of the same webapp
>> But, now, I'm wondering, since I'll be having dozens of the same
>> applications, I'd like to automate deploying using war files. In
>> that case, having separate war file for each instance forces me to
>> have several same docBase directories?
> Instead of a separate .war file for each, can you configure the different 
> settings in each app's <Context> element?  That would let you have one .war 
> file, but different .xml files all having the same docBase.
> Look here for individualized <Context> settings:

I could, of course, but I'm loosing the auto-war-deploy feature that
way, right?
I would like to use ant or tomcat manager to deploy war files.
Although, the app is fairly simple, so I could just use manager to stop
all the applications, overwrite the docBase directory with the new
version, and then start all the apps.


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