Carl wrote:

One more event that may or may not be related.
If it is related, then indeed the time for exorcism may be reached.

  I have not touched the
original server (C)

(they all say that)

 except to roll new war's out (almost nightly...
minor bug fixes.) This morning, it started producing these messages every 10 seconds:

Feb 23, 2010 5:50:01 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader modified
INFO:     Additional JARs have been added
Feb 23, 2010 5:50:01 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
INFO: Reloading this Context has started

Let's say that this is not directly related, and that you're just afflicted with an incredibly bad karma these days.

If you have a Manager application running, this might indicate that someone broke into it and is actually loading his own apps into your server. Maybe changing the password of the Manager app would be a good idea at this point, along with having a check if you really know all the apps which are running. Along also with a netstat check of the connections which your Tomcat is making to the outside world.
Other than that, I'll widly hypothesize (..tise ? ..sise ?):
- that in order to realise that something has changed, Tomcat must somewhere be keeping a list of current applications, along with timestamps of some sort - that if Tomcat were somehow unable to update that list of apps/timestamps and kept always the old value, then it would always think that your new apps are new, and keep on reloading them

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