On 10/03/2010 16:20, David kerber wrote:
As part of my migration from tc 5.5.x to 6.0.x, I'm reviewing my
deployment scripts, and noticed that in one of them, I'm deleting the
jdbc driver jar, jodbc.jar from the WEB-INF/lib folders, because it's
already on the system in jre/lib/ext.

However, I hadn't put that script into use on my TC 6 test box, so both
of my webapps still have the jodbc.jar in their WEB-INF/lib folder, and
I discovered that I can successfully run both of them at the same time
without running into the "already loaded" error I had been getting in
5.5 (which is what caused me to put that stuff in the deployment script
in the first place).

Is this a behavior change in 6.0, or is this error something that
requires something else to trigger it?

If there's nothing like a Realm configured above the web app classloader level which would require the driver to be accessible, then you probably won't see an error because the one in the web app is loaded first.

If there was, then the connection wouldn't work because the driver isn't accessible.



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