
> Hi
> Looks fine, no direct pointers...
> Only one strange thing:
> root     13234  0.1  2.5 4484708 412636 pts/0  Sl   Mar30   1:12
> /usr/local/jdk/bin/java
> -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/conf/logging.prope
> rties -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
> -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath
> /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
> -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat
> -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat
> -Djava.io.tmpdir=/usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/temp
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
> root     24865  2.2  0.0  10132   360 ?        Rs   Mar30  13:28 jsvc.exec
> -user tomcat -cp ./bootstrap.jar -Djava.endorsed.dirs=../common/endorsed
> -outfile ../logs/catalina.out -errfile ../logs/catalina.err -verbose
> -Xmx1024M -Xms512M org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -security
> Are these lines complete? Especially the last one?
> The first one has all the arguments needed by tomcat, but has no heap size
> arguments for the VM.
> The second line has the heap sizes, but no tomcat arguments.

Yes, those are the complete lines I have in ps aux.

Not sure what argument is missing in that case..

> Also try the following:
> 1. stop all java processes and anything trying to start tomcat for you
> 2. cd /usr/local/jakarta/tomcat/bin
> 3. su tomcat
> 4. ./catalina.sh run
> What happens?

A lot of thing happen.. I put the log in attachment but I'm not sure attachment 
work in mailing list lol

> Regards,
>  Steffen

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