Dean Hiller wrote:

I need "two" for requests and one for where xxxx is infinite combination.

I think that you are right. Based on the little I know about Java and Tomcat and RequestDispatcher, I would suggest a range of possible solutions, in my personal order of preference :

1) have a look at the urlrewrite filter at
It may be able to do what you want.

2) use an Apache httpd with mod_rewrite and mod_proxy (or mod_jk) in front of Tomcat, as a proxy server listening on the IP address to which your hostnames resolve and port 80. Set up Tomcat to listen on another port (e.g.8080), and configure it with one default Host (localhost), and two additional Hosts ( and Use Apache's mod_rewrite to rewrite and proxy the calls to one or the other Tomcat Host(name), on the base of the domain ending of the original request.

3) get two different IP addresses for your server, and start 2 Tomcat instances, each one listening on one of these adresses. Each one would then have a default host, which will answer on all names which resolve to that IP.
(Of course then you also need to split your two domains DNS-wise)

There are different variations mixing and matching the above bits and pieces.

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