The file is uploaded with an acceptable time completely random times, but in general occurs at the third time. The slow part is the read produced by the CoyoteStreamReader class. In fact, today we have tried to upload 130Mb and the
time starts to increase when the process has read 104-105 Mb.

Thank you in advance.

104-105 megas pujats (el fitxer que provo es de 130)

Pid escribió:
On 27/04/2010 17:40, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Pid []
Subject: Re: slow upload

Is the computer doing anything else at the time you experience slow

Does it have any other functions that might cause lots of disk access?
And tell us exactly how you're doing the upload - the WebDAV servlet, a custom 
webapp, something else?

And now that I think about it, when does the slow upload occur, after
you've done a few uploads or at completely random times (e.g. including
immediately after a Tomcat startup cycle)?


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