Can someone clarify something about the Context element's "privileged"
attribute in Tomcat 6.0? In Tomcat 5.5 setting privileged="true" would set
the application's parent class loader to the Catalina loader so that the
app could access the server classes. The default is privileged="false" and
so normal apps don't see these classes.

In Tomcat 6, if I understand the documentation, all the server class jars
are handled by the common loader (which can see the server jars), and that
means that in effect all applications are running as if privileged by
default. More than that, even explicitly setting privileged="false" won't
switch this behaviour off. The only way to change that would be to move the
server jars to another directory and modify the Is
that right, or am I missing something about how 6.0 deals with this? If
this is the way things are, doesn't that mean that 6.0 is not in line with
the Servlet API spec?


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