Hi Charles,

> You can try setting the address attribute of your <Connector> 
elements to "" to force IPv4.

It works, thank you !!!!
NB: Other people might experience the same problem. I don't know where it comes 
from, may be from an interaction between Windows Server 2008 and Tomcat 5.5.29 ?

Thank you again,

NB: for the other questions:
- Nothing interesting in the logs
- I use the same JDK for both 5.5.17 and 5.5.29: j2sdk1.5.0_16
- -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true didn't help
- my server.xml is the one installed by default with Tomcat, without any 
changes (but the "" which I have just added). I don't paste it here 
since the problem is solved, and I don't want to spam you with long emails.


> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com]
> Subject: RE: Re : Re : Tomcat 5.5.29 does not accept connections from
> outside
> It appears to be listening only on IPv6, not IPv4.
> Check the logs for 5.5.29 to see if anything interesting is being
> reported.
> Post your server.xml, preferably with comments removed and passwords
> obfuscated.
> You can try setting the address attribute of your <Connector> elements
> to "" to force IPv4.

Also, are you using the same JVM for both 5.5.17 and 5.5.29?  Do you have any 
command line parameters set?  You can try setting:


to see if that helps.

- Chuck

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