On 10/06/2010 10:31, antonio giulio wrote:
> No proxy for the browser.
> I try to describe better with header stuff steps:
> 1) When the user click on link the request for the URL is sent by Office/Word
> 2) Office/Word connect 200 to the server
> 3) Server sends back 302 http status and a redirect on the "Location:
> /login-page"
> 4) Office/Word cause of 302 try to connect again and gets 200
> 5) Server sends 200 and Location: /login-page

Servers don't send 200 and a Location header, are you sure this is
what's happening?

> 6) Now the web broser page is open on the /login-page

You said earlier this stuff occurred in the OS browser?
At which step does it switch to a OS browser window?

N.B.  If Office is handling the connection requests up to some step,
then Tomcat can't do anything about it - the problem is occuring before
Tomcat has any influence over the situation.


> There is a common JSESSIONID for the steps 1-5 and a new JSESSIONID for 6
> Julio
> On 10 June 2010 10:12, Pid <p...@pidster.com> wrote:
>> On 09/06/2010 22:33, antonio giulio wrote:
>>>> How have you configured your login form?
>>>> Please include it's path/filename, the definition in web.xml, and the
>>> raw HTML for the login form itself.
>>> I don't get what u mean exactly. Anyway I used Spring-Security 2.0.5
>>> but I have not the code with me right now.
>> Sorry, I missed that.
>>>> Can you confirm what happens when you click the URL in Word?
>>>> Is it as Chris/Chuck asked opening in an embedded browser in Word, or
>>>> does it launch a new tab/window in the default OS web browser?
>>> When I click it launches a new tab in the default OS web browser (or
>>> new browser instance if not any)
>> Is the browser configured to use a proxy / what proxy settings does the
>> browser have?
>> p

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