Hi Andrè,

yes I know the "route" is very long tho at this point I don't see many
The "200" returned to Office with the same path of the first request
(changing "http" to "https") make it working with one session only.
I have not the Office's specification for this communication (maybe
are "closed" cos I didn't find anything about it) but I suspect that
every value returned but "200" cause Office creates a new session and
if you close the communication after the first request, Word returns
an error-popup about connection (no good for the customers of course).

The only points where I can see possible improvements are:

1) Avoiding CGI, and working directly in the "httpd.conf" with some
mod_* (I don't know what)
2) Using C instead of Perl for the CGI
3) Some way to pass through Tomcat and maybe the application (but I
cannot see a real gain respect to the CGI)

Any hints?

On 10 June 2010 18:36, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am glad that you found a solution that works for you, and maybe the most
> important at this point is that it quickly solves your problem.
> About the solution below however, I want to point out that it is rather
> "expensive" in many respects, and I hope that this is not supposed to be a
> high-volume server.
> What is happening in your schema is :
> - Word requests a page by sending a HTTP request to the server (directly, or
> going through some IE functionality)
> - the server gets the request
> - the server starts a new separate perl interpreter process
> - the perl interpreter compiles your script
> - the perl interpreter runs your script, producing the initial html
> response, and exits
> - Apache reads the response from perl and sends it to the browser
> - the browser (or Word) receives the html page
> - the browser (or Word) interprets the refresh header, and makes a new
> request to the server
> - the server now processes what should have been the original request
> I am a fan of Apache and perl myself, but you may want to revise this a bit
> if this is supposed to handle many clients.
> antonio giulio wrote:
>> Hi Andre',
>> thanks for the offer, you are right, at this point is off-topic,
>> anyway I solved (sorry for the OT) all in Apache-httpd:
>> on the virtual host configuration:
>> RewriteEngine on
>> ReWriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
>> RewriteRule (.*)  https://%{HTTP_HOST}/cgi-bin/redirect.pl$1
>> and the simple redirect.pl in the cgi-bin/ is:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> $uri = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
>> $context = substr $uri, 27;
>> $url = "https://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$context";
>> print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n";
>> print "<html>";
>> print "<head>";
>> print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />";
>> print "</head>";
>> print "<body>";
>> print "</body>";
>> print "</html>";
>> 1;
>> basically the address:
>> http://mycompany.com/rest_of_the_url
>> is redirect from the RewriteRule to:
>> https://mycompany.com/cgi-bin/redirect.pl/rest_of_the_url
>> and the redirect.pl just retrieve rest_of_the_url string and compose
>> the new string.
>> The html returned has:
>> <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=$url\" />
>> meta-refresh sends back to Office/Word 200, and this time Office can
>> open correctly the browser returned in the <meta />

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