>From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>Subject: Re: Multiple Tomcat Instances
>No wonder.
>I am starting to think that you do this on purpose..

Unfortunately, I'm not.  

Everyone always says "read the docs".

There are a lot of things I don’t understand, and other than the docs 
mentioning there is a CATALINA_BASE variable, they don't speak to where it 
can/should be defined (startup.bat or catalina.bat or setenv.bat), or setting 
it up the way you mentioned, or that you can even do it that way.  

http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/introduction.html  ( If read the docs 
literally, there is no README.txt in my CATALINA_HOME )  This is where people 
get lost/confused.

Much of Tomcat config is like "learning the secret handshake" to me at this 

>Maybe having a good look at the startup.bat and catalina.bat files would help.

I was looking in both of those, which is where I saw the call to setenv.bat and 
assumed that must be where you define it, otherwise what is that call for?

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