> From: Leo Donahue - PLANDEVX [mailto:leodona...@mail.maricopa.gov]
> Subject: RE: Multiple Tomcat Instances
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/introduction.html  ( If read
> the docs literally, there is no README.txt in my CATALINA_HOME )

Nor does the doc actually say there is a README.txt file in $CATALINA_HOME; 
that reference is there merely to explain how to interpret $CATALINA_HOME when 
it appears in the doc.

> I was looking in both of those, which is where I saw the call to
> setenv.bat and assumed that must be where you define it, otherwise what
> is that call for?

The setenv.bat script allows you to configure various environment variables for 
use by the JVM or your webapps; it's too late to set CATALINA_BASE there, since 
CATALINA_BASE is used to locate the setenv.bat script - as clearly stated in 
RUNNING.txt.  Each user should be setting CATALINA_BASE themselves - you could 
easily establish one for each user in the Windows equivalent of the user 

 - Chuck

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