No, it is not „Urgent” for anyone but you. If you one it to be
urgent for anyone else, pay for it :)

> Dear friends,
> I have a website in Struts 1.2 and i want to install another Struts
> application made by me, in a subfolder of the website. I don't know will
> this work,
> Both are struts 1.2 applications.
> I am using apache 2.x and  Tomcat 5, on Cpanel , linux centos 5.5.

I would define context of these applications explicite in Catalina
config. I mean:

unpack your war files into some directories, let say:

then create files


app.xml should be something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/app" docBase="/usr/local/share/app1" privileged="false" 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/app/subapp" docBase="/usr/local/share/app2" privileged="false" 

Note that “path” attribute must match xml context file name (note:
'/' becomes '#' in filename)

Hope it helps.

> I think one of the possible sol might be mapping the location tag in
> httpd.conf to diff webapp , i dont know how to do so.

IMO it's better to configure it at tomcat level.

Paweł Zuzelski

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