On 25/06/2010 11:46, abhishek jain wrote:
> hi
> thanks for the email,
> but the path is like
>   /usr/local/share/apps
> and for the second application:
>   /usr/local/share/apps/app2
> i mean it is a subfolder.
> will this still work?

Depends which Tomcat version you actually have.  I don't think
multilevel paths are supported in 5.0.n, (but I might be wrong).


> 2010/6/25 Paweł Zuzelski <z...@xatka.net>
>> No, it is not „Urgent” for anyone but you. If you one it to be
>> urgent for anyone else, pay for it :)
>>> Dear friends,
>>> I have a website in Struts 1.2 and i want to install another Struts
>>> application made by me, in a subfolder of the website. I don't know will
>>> this work,
>>> Both are struts 1.2 applications.
>>> I am using apache 2.x and  Tomcat 5, on Cpanel , linux centos 5.5.
>> I would define context of these applications explicite in Catalina
>> config. I mean:
>> unpack your war files into some directories, let say:
>>   /usr/local/share/app1
>>   /usr/local/share/app2
>> then create files
>> (home_of_your_tomcat_installation)/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml
>> (home_of_your_tomcat_installation)/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/app#subapp.xml
>> app.xml should be something like:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <Context path="/app" docBase="/usr/local/share/app1" privileged="false"
>> allowLinking="true">
>> </Context>
>> app#subapp.xml:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <Context path="/app/subapp" docBase="/usr/local/share/app2"
>> privileged="false" allowLinking="true">
>> </Context>
>> Note that “path” attribute must match xml context file name (note:
>> '/' becomes '#' in filename)
>> Hope it helps.

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