
Sorry for the late reply. While I have not been able to try this yet your
explanations are very clear and I understand better what the options on the
connector mean now. I will give this a try.

Thank you for your reply.


John Ranaudo

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> John-Paul,
> On 6/25/2010 1:40 PM, John-Paul Ranaudo wrote:
> > Ok, so I am assuming I do not have to setup SSL (certificates etc) since
> my
> > load balancer is decoding the connection. So even if the load balancer is
> > "decoding" the connection I still have to have SSLEnabled="true"?
> No, Pid was saying that setting one of the two options (SSLEnabled and
> secure) to "true" makes sense... setting both to "false" is not
> particularly useful.
> > However if
> > I do, does this not make Tomcat try and decode the "connection"?
> Yes, setting SSLEnabled="true" will make the connector try to perform
> the decryption.
> > *Which is the root of my problem. How to use the HTTPS protocol without
> > having Tomcat decrypt the connection since the load balancer has done
> this
> > for me. *
> It sounds like you just want Tomcat to know that the connection is
> secure, but without actually doing the decryption. You should be able to
> do it like this:
> <Connector
>  port="443" <- this is the port that the LB talks to
>   protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>  connectionTimeout="20000"
>   scheme="https" <- so request.getScheme returns correct value
>  secure="true" <- so request.isSecure returns correct value
> />
> There's no need to set SSLProtocol or SSLEnabled (you're not using SSL,
> remember), they will default to "false".
> > The link to the documentation is correct. However the properties of the
> > connector are confusing to me. For example "SSLEnabled" if fairly obvious
> > but "secure" it confusing. Not sure under what context I need to set
> this.
> You can set these to different values, for instance, to instruct the
> server to report connections as secure even when they aren't actually
> tunneled through SSL (as above).
> > The application always uses relative paths so whatever protocol the
> > framework is using will be what is returned in the page.
> Good. How about redirects?
> > I have also tried setting the redirect port thinking I can redirect
> requests
> > to 443 to the port 80 internally and scheme to 'https'. This actually had
> > the effect of making one framework (the one with https) work but broke
> the
> > other.
> The redirect port is only used when the server decides that a webapp
> requires a secure connection (see <transport-guarantee> in web.xml), and
> the server issues a redirect to the client to upgrade the connection to
> HTTPS. The default is 443, so if a client arrives on port 80, they will
> be redirected to the same URL except with https:// on the front and the
> port added if it's not the default of 443.
> Now, you have to remember that the port number that does out attached to
> a redirect URL (say, https://myhost:443/foo/bar) is probably the port on
> the load-balancer the client will hit, not necessarily the port on the
> local machine. The following configuration is perfectly legitimate:
> <!-- non-secure connector -->
> <Connector
>  port="8080"
>   protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>  connectionTimeout="20000"
>   redirectPort="443"
> />
> <!-- secure connector -->
> <Connector
>  port="8443"
>   protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>  connectionTimeout="20000"
>   scheme="https" <- so request.getScheme returns correct value
>  secure="true" <- so request.isSecure returns correct value
> />
> As you see, redirectPort is set to a port that isn't being handled by
> Tomcat. That's okay, because the load-balancer is presumably handling
> requests to myhost:443, terminating the SSL, and proxying the cleartext
> HTTP request to the "8443" connector, which then reports secure="true"
> to anyone who asks.
> Hope that helps,
> - -chris
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