We are currently using -
Tomcat - 5.5.25 on Windows XP 64bit and 32bit machines JDK 1.5 IIS 6 Trying to upgrade to latest connector, after changing according to the documentation I am able to browse our application behind IIS. Locally the application is behaving fine with the following configuration. So far I have modified the files as follows - for production environment do the values look appropriate? Is there any attribute/properties missing which is crucial for production ready environment? Thank you for reviewing. -------------------- Worker.properties -------------------- ps=\ # ps=/ worker.list=loadbalancer worker.template.type=ajp13 worker.template.lbfactor=1 worker.template.socket_keepalive=True worker.template.socket_timeout=300 worker.template.connection_pool_timeout=600 worker.template.connection_pool_size=200 worker.template.connect_timeout=60000 worker.server1.port=8009 worker.server1.host= worker.server1.reference=worker.template worker.server2.port=8009 worker.server2.host= worker.server2.reference=worker.template worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=server1,server2 worker.loadbalancer.method=B --------------------------- uriworkermap.properties --------------------------- /myjsps/*=loadbalancer ----------------------------- Server.xml AJP connector tag ----------------------------- <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --> <Connector port="8009" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" maxThreads="450" connectionTimeout="600000" /> To the default I have just added two more attributes - [maxThreads ="450" connectionTimeout="600000"] - what other attributes are essential for production environment? Regards, Rumpa Giri