-----Original Message-----
From: Pid [mailto:p...@pidster.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 4:01 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: question for sso session replication in tomcat 6.0.26

On 28/06/2010 23:19, Okubo, Yasushi (TSD) wrote:
> On 28/06/2010 21:21, Okubo, Yasushi (TSD) wrote:
>> Yes, I do.
>> <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager"
>>                            name="webclust2"
>>                    expireSessionsOnShutdown="false"
> Hmm.
> Can you unset the DeltaManager name attribute on all of your
> p
> Hi Pid
> I moved expireSessionOnShutdown, but the result was the same. I did
> see any difference.  

>I didn't ask you to move expireSessionsOnShutdown, I asked you not to
>set the name attribute.

>    /**
>     * Return the descriptive short name of this Manager
>     */
>    public String getName() {
>        return name;
>    }

>It's the only thing I can see in your config that looks weird.  I'm not
>really sure how it could affect things, but it might, so don't set it,

> By the way, when I shutdown the node1, it is getting action = 3 from
> SimpleTpcCluster, which means logout defined in
> singlesignonmessage.java. And clustersinglesignon is deregistering
> session id from other nodes.
> It looks like clustersinglesignon can send a message to other nodes
> if deltamanager.expireSessionsOnShutdown set to false.  Why? 

>I don't know.  Certainly seems odd, I'll look into the
>expireSessionsOnShutdown attribute again tomorrow.


Hi Pid

I removed name attribute from DeltaManager, but the result was the same.
It looks like ClusteSingleSignOn is sending deregister message through
SimpleTCPCluster when it received the message from GroupChannel. 
Action = 3 is logout. 

Jun 29, 2010 10:25:16 AM org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.GroupChannel
FINER: GroupChannel - Send Message:UniqueId{-47, 62, -63, -59, 37, 80,
72, -98, -85, -5, 102, -1, -95, 34, 82, 25} is
SingleSignOnMessage[action=3, ssoId=D01FF1E66C0D50C4418216F9974FA667,
sessionId=null, username=null]

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