On 28/06/2010 23:19, Okubo, Yasushi (TSD) wrote:
> On 28/06/2010 21:21, Okubo, Yasushi (TSD) wrote:
>> Yes, I do.
>> <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager"
>>                            name="webclust2"
>>                    expireSessionsOnShutdown="false"
> Hmm.
> Can you unset the DeltaManager name attribute on all of your
> p
> Hi Pid
> I moved expireSessionOnShutdown, but the result was the same. I did
> see any difference.  

>I didn't ask you to move expireSessionsOnShutdown, I asked you not to
>set the name attribute.

>    /**
>     * Return the descriptive short name of this Manager
>     */
>    public String getName() {
>        return name;
>    }

>It's the only thing I can see in your config that looks weird.  I'm not
>really sure how it could affect things, but it might, so don't set it,

> By the way, when I shutdown the node1, it is getting action = 3 from
> SimpleTpcCluster, which means logout defined in
> singlesignonmessage.java. And clustersinglesignon is deregistering
> session id from other nodes.
> It looks like clustersinglesignon can send a message to other nodes
> if deltamanager.expireSessionsOnShutdown set to false.  Why? 

>I don't know.  Certainly seems odd, I'll look into the
>expireSessionsOnShutdown attribute again tomorrow.


>Hi Pid

>I removed name attribute from DeltaManager, but the result was the
same.  >It looks like ClusteSingleSignOn is sending deregister message
through >SimpleTCPCluster when it received the message from
>Action = 3 is logout. 

>Jun 29, 2010 10:25:16 AM org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.GroupChannel
>FINER: GroupChannel - Send Message:UniqueId{-47, 62, -63, -59, 37, 80,
72, >-98, -85, -5, 102, -1, -95, 34, 82, 25} is
SingleSignOnMessage[action=3, >ssoId=D01FF1E66C0D50C4418216F9974FA667,
sessionId=null, username=null]

It looks like DeltaManager stopped, so expireSessionsOnShutdown flag may
not have any impact on this matter.

After SingleSignOn.sessionEvent destroying the session value, and sso
ssession, somehow this message was propagated to simpleTpcCluster and
clusterSingleSignOn is deregisterting sso session by sending this
message to simpleTpcCluster.  Is there any way to stop it?


Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager stop
FINE: Manager [/cluster] is stopping
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager stop
INFO: Manager [/cluster] expiring sessions upon shutdown
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn
FINE: Process session destroyed on
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM
org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.nio.ParallelNioSender doLoop
FINER: ParallelNioSender - Sent msg:UniqueId{-2, -89, -62, -53, 103,
-39, 67, -1, -111, 52, -43, -84, -41, 66, 66, 31} at 2010-06-28
15:05:53.689 to tcp://{127, 0, 0, 1}:4010
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM
org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.ChannelCoordinator sendMessage
FINER: ChannelCoordinator - Sent msg:UniqueId{-2, -89, -62, -53, 103,
-39, 67, -1, -111, 52, -43, -84, -41, 66, 66, 31} at 2010-06-28
15:05:53.69 to {tcp://{127, 0, 0, 1}:4010}
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.GroupChannel
FINER: GroupChannel - Sent msg:UniqueId{-2, -89, -62, -53, 103, -39, 67,
-1, -111, 52, -43, -84, -41, 66, 66, 31} at 2010-06-28 15:05:53.69 to
{tcp://{127, 0, 0, 1}:4010}
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.tribes.group.GroupChannel
FINER: GroupChannel - Send Message:UniqueId{-2, -89, -62, -53, 103, -39,
67, -1, -111, 52, -43, -84, -41, 66, 66, 31} is
SingleSignOnMessage[action=3, ssoId=1C052A3927DC43EE6CAF27997F85C23B,
sessionId=null, username=null]
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM
org.apache.catalina.ha.authenticator.ClusterSingleSignOn deregister
FINE: SingleSignOnMessage Send with action 3
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn
FINE: Deregistering sso id '1C052A3927DC43EE6CAF27997F85C23B'
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn
FINER:  Invalidating session
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.connector.MapperListener
FINE: Handle Catalina:type=Manager,path=/cluster,host=webclust2 type :
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.connector.MapperListener
FINE: Handle Catalina:type=Manager,path=/cluster,host=webclust2 type :
Jun 28, 2010 3:05:53 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
FINE: Sending application stop events

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