On 18/08/2010 10:44, K A wrote:
> Hello
> I've developed a web-application in which I'd like to have some control of 
> which resources are accessed by whom. My project is called "Server" in which 
> I've got 3 directories: "/user" which all roles are allowed to access, 
> "/admin" which ONLY administrators are allowed to access and "resources" in 
> which I've got some files which users are allowed to read and administrators 
> are allowed to both read and write.
> I'm using a FORM to login. The form action is "POST" and the action is 
> "j_security_check", the username field's name is "j_username" and the 
> password field's is "j_password".
> I've implemented a security-check in the jsp-file itself where I'm checking 
> for the type of login the current user has. If the type is aproved then the 
> user is allowed to access the page.
> But when I test the application and try to access the files in the other 
> library then I've got access no matter what. This wasn't the intension. 
> I've tried to follow several tutorials online but no matter what I can't get 
> it to work ouf the right way.
> I've tried to configure the web.xml manually but it doesn't work. I've tried 
> to use the "manager" through the browser but that doesn't seem to deliver the 
> possibility to setup those restriction.

What have you tried?

> Can somebody please give me a detailed walkthrough on how to achieve this?
> I'm using TomCat 6.0, JVM 1.5.0_20 SUN and Windows XP 5.1.Thankyou very much 
> in advance!

Why do people think it's called 'TomCat'?  It's *Tomcat*.


> Best regards,
> Kenneth Andersen
> k_k_ander...@hotmail.com

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