Are you trying to monitor from the same computer that tomcat is running on? 
That's not a good idea. What happens if the entire system won't 
get any data/alerts. End to end uses another machine to monitor the first.
You could monitor catalina.out for errors, but I don't think you'll capture 
every possibility.
What would happen if the system stops serving pages (or serves them slow)? That 
won't show in the logs.

What port is your application running on? You can use (from another machine) 
wget {servername}:8080.

On 22/09/10 10:30 PM, "Mendiratta, Shashank" <> 

HI Darryl ,
Thanx , about that here the outbound port 80 is blocked so we cannot wget , 
moreover this wont solve the problem as to why the the services are getting 
Well I had an idea, please critic it. Why not monitor the server.log file if we 
get some kind of error. We send an alert and then restart the service . Befire 
that we have to make a repository of types of error that can occur
Please do comment


From: Darryl Lewis []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 5:54 PM
To: Mendiratta, Shashank; Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How ot monitor hung tomcat/apache processes?

It depends on the application you are running, but a simple test would be to 
access the webpage (ensuring part of it is served from Tomcat, not apache) and 
check for an expected response.

For example, a simple jsp page that prints out "ok"
You can then do a wget, and check for that string.


On 22/09/10 10:13 PM, "Mendiratta, Shashank" <> 
Hi Darryl,

Yes This is the same problem I am facing. Sorry  I am kind of new to it
but can you tell me what kind of end to end monitoring should I do ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Darryl Lewis []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 5:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How ot monitor hung tomcat/apache processes?

In my experience, the PID can still exist of tomcat but a Java heap
crash has stopped it responding.

Checking a PID will not check if the application is responding.

You're better to do some sort of end to end monitoring

On 22/09/10 10:03 PM, "Mendiratta, Shashank"
<> wrote:

Hi ,

I am working on a monitoring system to find out hung tomcat/apache
processes .

By this I mean if the PID exists and still the apache / tomcat is not
responding that due to memory leak or variety of other reasons . Is
their a tool to find this .



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