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On 9/24/2010 1:26 PM, Jason Pringle wrote:
> On 9/24/2010 7:24 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> What's wrong with LGPL? I'm not trying to start a holy war... just
>> curious about your objections.
> Our legal department detests LGPL (lack of case law scares lawyers - 
> nobody wants to BE the case law) and getting approval to use anything
> LGPL is near impossible. In some cases, for well known products (say
> Hibernate) our company has made legal arrangements with the owner (I
> don't know details, just that "something's been done").

Wow, I thought RMS was the craziest person out there when it came to OSS
licenses. Apparently your legal department is even crazier.

I would be shocked if any LGPL-licensed project came after you for using
their library, assuming you didn't take their code, slap an interface on
top of it, and then sell it as "See Three Pee Oh".

At any rate, it looks like the LGPL will be a blocker for you. Bummer.

> I don't necessarily agree with the rules, I just have to follow them.

I understand.

>>> The "feature page" of the tomcat connection pool
>>> (http://people.apache.org/~fhanik/jdbc-pool/jdbc-pool.html) seems
>>> quite promising, but to be honest, it concerns me that the module is
>>> only readily available from a commiter's pages or from source.
>> That is a shame.
> Which part is a shame?

The part about having to build it yourself or trust a build on a
committer's page (though, if you don't trust the committer, I'm not sure
you should trust the code).

> That I don't want to propose we put big $$$ at risk on a component
> that does not have a solid community of support

At least you don't have to buy a license :)

> or that the community hasn't supported a promising component?

Technically speaking, the promising component hasn't even emerged from a
beta state, so it's not really available for support.

To answer your question of markt: tomcat-dbcp has stagnated due to lack
of interest from the Tomcat dev team itself. If you are motivated to
pick up where Filip left-off, you are more than welcome to join the dev
mailing list, start doing your own testing, and possibly even making
over the project module.

> NB: I'm not passing any judgement on the component itself, but a
> criterion for us to pull in FOSS is the level of community support
> etc.

Fair enough. I wonder why Filip lost interest.

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Does your legal team know that these messages are archived and
re-published? They might have a stroke if they knew... :)

- -chris
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