Op dinsdag, 5 oktober 2010 15:27 schreef mamalacation 


n828cl wrote:
> > > Pretty much guaranteed that it's not Tomcat but your webapp that is > locking itself out of access to some resource (such as the database). > Take several thread dumps during the slowdown period and see what's going
> on.
> > http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo#How_do_I_obtain_a_thread_dump_of_my_running_webapp_.3F
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/Performance_and_Monitoring
> > BTW, tell us the *exact* Tomcat version, and the JVM level you're running
> on.
> >
as far as the version as concerned:

Tomcat Version: 6.0.26 JVM Version : 1.6.0_20-b02 JVM Vendor : Sun Microsystems Inc.

I will look at the links you proposed to see what's going on with my
webapps, but I am pretty sure that there must be some limit somewhere that I
can't see.

Where can I set the database options regarding timouts, pool size,
max_database_connections, etc?
thanx again,


Try the tools to make a threadsdump. That wil show you what the webapp is doing 
and wil probably give you a hint about the 'limits'. Stay open minded. You can 
also have some bug in the software so some resources are never free'd. In that 
case you can keep raising the limits, but that doesn't solve the problem.


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