On 11/10/2010 09:41, Karthik Nanjangude wrote:
> Hi
> Spec :
> Java 1.5
> WebApp : Tomcat 6.0.29
> O/s  Win 2000 / Linux / Unix
> Linux : 2.6.9-42.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 23:27:17 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 
> GNU/Linux
> Question :  Is there a  Bug with JConsole for monitering TOMCAT 6.0.29  
> Running on Linux ?

None that I'm aware of.  Works for me.

> I am not able to  connect  TOMCAT 6.0.29  (on Linux, JDK1.5 )    with  
> JConsole (JDK 1.6  on windows )

How have you set the JMX this time, as below?

Are you connecting through a firewall?


> Note :
> Earlier I had configured the same for UNIX / Windows for JConsole  to Tomcat 
> 6.0.14
> URL :  http://old.nabble.com/JMX---jconsole-for-TOMCAT6.0.14-td17778173.html

> with regards
> N.S.Karthik

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