
I found that reloadable="false" does not suppress tomcat from watching
if files change in WEB-INF/lib, even though the docs say it does: 

"Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in
/WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically reload
the web application if a change is detected. " 

True, there is a bug in the IBM O/S where when DST hits, last modified
date for a file gets interpreted as one hour difference. But if
reloadable="false" was working as it says it should, that would be a way
to get around this bug.

Can I safely say I've run into both an IBM and a tomcat bug? I'm on
tomcat 6.0.18 and I've searched the 6.0.29 change logs, didn't see
anything for this issue that's been fixed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 11:16 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Disable class monitoring for reloading container classes

Hash: SHA1


On 10/9/2010 11:09 AM, Jane Muse wrote:
> My understanding from the docs is that reloading="false" means you 
> can't drop in a war file while tomcat is running and expect it to 
> deploy.

No, <Context reloadable="false"> ("reloading" is meaningless) means that
Tomcat will ignore any files within a webapp that have been updated.
<Host autoDeploy="false"> means that Tomcat will not look for .war files
and automatically deploy them.

> reloading="false" means tomcat is not listening / watching if 
> something changes in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/web.xml, and reload if

> there's a change.

Correct, if s/reloading/reloadable/.

> If that's what these mean, then we don't need them.

Generally speaking, it's best to set both of these to "false" in
production because you don't want anything to happen automatically.

> We don't have "WatchedResource" set anywhere either. If anyone knows 
> of a way to suppress tomcat from watching if something in WEB-INF/lib 
> has changed, I think that might work here.

<Context reloadable="false"> ought to do the trick.

> But apparently tomcat is hard wired to reload if it thinks there's a 
> change in that directory.

Only if reloadable="true", which is NOT the default.

> I'm not sure if that would be considered a bug in the O/S, or the JVM,

> or if tomcat can be made to suppress watching this, similar to what 
> the autoDeploy and reloading settings provide. Let's put it this way, 
> it would be a lot easier to get a change made to tomcat than to IBM's 
> O/S, or Oracle's JVM 8-)

Agreed, but it's hard to imagine how this situation would be detectable.

- -chris
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