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On 10/11/2010 7:32 AM, m.os...@dsl.pipex.com wrote:
> Having rebuilt my Windows PC, I am trying to get Tomcat running
> under NetBeans to connect to MySQL.

If you were rebuilding, why did you stick with Microsoft Windows? :)

> I believe MySQL is alright because the various tools retrieve data 
> correctly. But when my Java web app is run from NetBeans, Tomcat 
> shows the homepage but then gives a Java null pointer error. The
> logs tell me this is to do with retrieving user data from the
> database. So I'm assuming that the two system components are not able
> to talk to each other. But why?

It could be anything. Care to show us the entire stack trace?

> I have mySQLConnector in the NetBeans library my web app is using. 
> I've placed MySQL Connector in Tomcat's config folder,

Which folder? Please be specific.

> MySQL Connector is also in the classpath of the PC.

A normal Tomcat installation will ignore any CLASSPATH setting. You
should not try to use the CLASSPATH for anything at all. You should also
make sure that the MySQL Connector/J library is only available in one
place in the ClassLoader hierarchy: namely, in TOMCAT_HOME/lib.

> The context.xml file in the web app is set to use the root user in
> MySQL and all relevant authorities in MySQL are set.

This is a bad idea: you should use a MySQL user that doesn't have SUPER

> Code seems to be wrong only in IE so must be something to do with 
> security settings.

Sounds like you have a broken webapp.

- -chris
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