Hi all,

I have an IDM (Identity Manager) instance running on an Apache Tomcat Server.

My Tomact version is  : 6.0.18

The http address which activates my IDM application is in the format :


The thing is : if the address is accidentally written as follows ---  
https://idm.my.org  ---- then the Apache Tomcat Main Page is displayed.

Normally, this means nothing, and would not bother me. Except that, there might 
be some security concerns involved in directing using to the Server Main Menu.

My question is :  how can I configure the Tomcat to automatically RE-DIRECT to 
the appropriate webpage ?

In other words :  if  someone enters "https://idm.my.org";, they will be 
auto-directed to "https://idm.my.org/idm";


Richard da Silva


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