It doesn't need to be a .jsp file, just place a static index.html file into the 
root webapp with the following content:-

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en" 
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <body>Please Wait...</body>

No configuration required.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard da Silva []
> Sent: 18 October 2010 09:39
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Tomcat Re-direct
> Thanks for your reply
> Where is that "wt.jsp" file?
> Also, my web-xml file looks like this :
> <web-app xmlns="";
>    xmlns:xsi="";
>    xsi:schemaLocation="
>    version="2.5">
>   <display-name>Welcome to Tomcat</display-name>
>   <description>
>      Welcome to Tomcat
>   </description>
> </web-app>
> Where exactly should I insert the code you gave me?
> Thanks
> Richard da Silva
> --- On Mon, 10/18/10, Karl San Gabriel <> wrote:
> From: Karl San Gabriel <>
> Subject: Re: Tomcat Re-direct
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
> Date: Monday, October 18, 2010, 11:20 AM
> and put a javascript code in wt.jsp to redirect to
> On 10/18/10, Karl San Gabriel <> wrote:
> > How about changing <TOMCAT_HOME>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\web.xml?
> > ===================
> >   <description>
> >      Welcome to Tomcat
> >   </description>
> >
> > <!-- JSPC servlet mappings start -->
> >
> >     <servlet>
> >         <servlet-name>org.apache.jsp.index_jsp</servlet-name>
> >         <!--<servlet-class>org.apache.jsp.index_jsp</servlet-class>-->
> >         <jsp-file>/wt/wt.jsp</jsp-file>
> >     </servlet>
> >
> >     <servlet-mapping>
> >         <servlet-name>org.apache.jsp.index_jsp</servlet-name>
> >         <url-pattern>/index.jsp</url-pattern>
> >     </servlet-mapping>
> >
> > ============
> >
> > Regards,
> > Karl
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 10/18/10, Richard da Silva <> wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I have an IDM (Identity Manager) instance running on an Apache Tomcat
> >> Server.
> >>
> >> My Tomact version is  : 6.0.18
> >>
> >> The http address which activates my IDM application is in the format :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The thing is : if the address is accidentally written as follows ---
> >>  ---- then the Apache Tomcat Main Page is displayed.
> >>
> >> Normally, this means nothing, and would not bother me. Except that, there
> >> might be some security concerns involved in directing using to the Server
> >> Main Menu.
> >>
> >> My question is :  how can I configure the Tomcat to automatically
> >> to the appropriate webpage ?
> >>
> >> In other words :  if  someone enters "";, they will be
> >> auto-directed to "";
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Richard da Silva
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
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