
My Company gave one assignment to upgrade the present setup. Herewith I
explained my present setup. I am expecting your help and suggestion to
finish this job.

I have a HP Blade server with 2 CPU (Quad Core 3.166 GHz), 32 GB RAM and
Windows 2008 Enterprise Server 64 bit with SP2. At present applications are
running in tomcat 5.5 version and Java 1.6 32 bit edition and SSL in
enabled. At present in my application the number of sessions is crossing
more than 4500 in peak hours.

I have a plan to upgrade the tomcat version form 5.5 to 6.0.29 and JAVA JRE
6U22 64 bit..

Please clarify my following doubts.

1) How can I check the Version of Tomcat is 32 bit or 64 bit version?

2) I downloaded and Installed Java 64 bit and tomcat 6.0.29 executable file.
Also I downloaded tomcat 6.0.29 64 bit ZIP files IS it necessary to copy the
extracted file into the tomcat existing directory?

3) How Can I tune the tomcat to give pest performance?

4) What is the ideal vale for a) Maximum threads b) Maximum spare threads c)
Min spare threads in Server.xml file for the port SSL Port 443?

5) What is the Ideal value for a) Initial memory pool b) Max memory pool c)
Thread stack size for JAVA 64 bit version for more loads?

6) What is the use of thread dump in tomcat 6 and how to use that?

7) How can I found the memory leak in applications using tomcat manager?



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