Hi Marwan,

I'm spinning into circles importing the certificate into my system. We are 
using a web based software that resides on tomcat. Here are the instructions I 
have got from the vendor on how to import the SSL:

Instructions seems correct.

I'm assuming the root certificate is the one that certifies the CA. I'm using 
Equifax Secure eBusiness CA-1.

I'm also assuming that the primary certificate is the one we purchased and is 
issued to us and includes our FQDN.

This is also correct.

After I apply the certificates, the system does not work. If I configure tomcat 
to use HTTP and any custom port it works. I'm really going out of my mind!!!

After you calm down, please describe what "the system does not work" means? Are all certificates imported correctly? When you list your certificates (with "keytool -list -keystore mykeystore.jks") you should see several trusted key entries and one private key entry. Check if your server.xml config for HTTPS connector is pointing to right keystore file. Describe exactly what did you try and what error message do you get.


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