While I like the idea of using web-fragment.xml for precompiled jsp's - it would require the "meta-data complete" flag to be set to false which may as a side effect allow other artifacts to be loaded too.

Hopefully jsp-precompile is part of the webapp build/deploy process so a developer can ignore it during development. But an admin (or release manager) can ensure that all jsps do compile before release is deployed.

Setting up jsp-precompilation is a PITA the first time or 2 but once you get the hang of it, the precompilation step can be part of a standard snippet which can be pulled in via ant import. (For those of us who love ant)


On 11/5/2010 10:13 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Tim has just given his talk at ApacheCon NA about Servlet 3.0 / Tomcat
7.0. It was really my first taste of the 3.0 spec and I had a thought
about the new features available for webapp configuration /other/ than

- - web.xml fragments
- - class annotations

The current method for JSP precompilation (which I've never used, mind
you, so forgive my ignorance if I'm incorrect) is cumbersome:

- - run the compiler
- - copy the new .class files somewhere
- - drop a huge load of junk into web.xml

It occurred to me that that these new servlet 3.0 features could help
JSP precompilation. Let's see what Tomcat 7.0's JSP precompiler could do

$ jsp-precompile /path/to/jsps my-jsps.jar
$ cp my-jsps.jar /path/to/webapps/mywebapp/WEB-INF/lib


The precompiler could translate and compile all of the classes and
package them into a .jar file for you. Great. What about servlet
mappings? Well, we have two options:

1. Use annotations in the translated .java files
2. Generate a web.xml fragment and stuff it into

Does anyone have any preferences? I suppose it could be an option to the
precompiler, or we could even do both (do duplicate mappings conflict?).

Hopefully, this will make JSP precompilation less onerous for users.

- -chris
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