On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Pid,
> On 11/24/2010 2:32 PM, Pid * wrote:
>> That sounds like the thread is only being reset properly after it's
>> been used a second time.
> +1
> This can probably be replicated in a test by having a dummy servlet
> simply throw a ClientAbortException (or whatever it is that gets thrown
> when you try to write to a socket whose client has already hung up the
> phone).
> Declan, could you try to build a simple servlet that replicates these
> conditions and post it? That will go a long way towards getting this
> investigated and, if it's a problem with Tomcat, ultimately fixed.
Hi Christopher

Yes, I can look to build a servlet to do this; to throw an exception
when performing IO on the ServletoutputStream thats been tore down.

Hopefully will get back tomorrow
> - -chris
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