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On 12/10/2010 9:51 AM, SOPANMISHRA wrote:
> 1.By normal jdbc process means without implementing any datasource concept in
> tomcat  for my project evrything is working fine.

Glad to hear it.

> It is just when i do
> datasource config I'm facing "not supported by basic data source" against a
> method that uses a stringbuilder to form a query by retrieving values from a
> jsp page dynamically

The source of the query is not relevant: whether you use a StringBuilder
or a plain-old String (which is what you get, anyway), it's just a query
to the JDBC driver.

> if (Validation.validate(defRetrivalFields)) {
> [snip]
>               }
>               return retStr;

None of that code had anything to do with Hibernate or a DataSource.

> 2.I tried various  data source possible - <resource
> type=javax.sql.DataSource/javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource but to no avail

Case matters: you need to have <Resource> in your configuration. You
need to have type="javax.sql.DataSource", otherwise the DataSource won't
be created at all (and you should get an error message in catalina.out).

> 3.driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/"oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"

You might want to determine which one of these is more appropriate for
you to use and stick with it.

> 4.The complete java stack trace is while processing the soap message
> request:-
> Dec 10, 2010 8:13:46 PM com.xxxxxxxx.care.agentevaluation.db.dao.xxxxxxxx
> getAgentDetails
> INFO: Query:SELECT coalesce(M.iataNo,' ') AS iataNo,coalesce(M.pcc,' ') AS
> pcc FROM xxxxxxxx AS M WHERE M.pcc IN (:lst) ORDER BY M.iataNo,M.pcc
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported by BasicDataSource
>       at
> org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:899)

A call to getConnection will occur /before/ the query is executed. I
suspect that if you were to issue the query "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" you'd
get the same error. I think this has nothing to do with your query at all.

BasicDataSource.getConnection in DBCP-1.2.2 only throws
UnsupportedOperationException when you call getConnection(String
username, String password) on the DataSource. Does your Hibernate
configuration specify a username and password? If so, you should remove
those and allow Hibernate to use the pool without specifying
credentials. I suspect this will clear-up your problem.

> 5.I understand that datasource configuration is a separate entity and does
> not depend on the SQL query i have written in my .java file that is fetched
> using hibernate but still I want to enquire whether "coalesce" that i'm
> using in the dynamic query creation is the culprit because the exception is
> occurring when the method returning this processed query is returned as you
> can see in the scriptlet

No. No part of the query here is a problem.

> 6.the <reqfieldtype,colHeaderRequired etc> and other are values saved into
> session from user input page and then requested wherever required

That doesn't make them trusted.

> 7.I understand u are stressing on code optimization as
> (stringbuilder,finally) but my main problem is the functionality that i have
> to meet using data source and only after that I can stress upon code
> enhancement.i have noted and will implement it.The fact is the project is in
> testing environment and i have to implement the datasource and verify again
> including final code optimization without which it cannot be tested and put
> into production. 

Certainly correctness is key, but security is a part of correctness.

Good luck,
- -chris
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