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On 12/18/2010 3:27 PM, McGibbney, Lewis John wrote:
> This version of Jena comes with Xerces-J 2.6.1, it is installed in
> webapp's WEB-INF/classes/plugins/lib-xml, will this location present
> any issue or should I copy it to WEB-INF/lib?

Tomcat won't load files from WEB-inf/classes/plugins/lib-xml, so there
must be something in Jena that is responsible for class loading. You
might want to ask the Jena folks about how that works and how to use
Jena in a modern JAXP environment.

> I tried to remove xercesImpl.jar from the lib-xml folder restart
> Tomcat but I am still encountering the same sever error.

That suggests to me that the Xerces lib above is being ignored.

> In regards to your second comment, are you stating that the servlet
> spec will not interefere with the webapp, so my app deployment should
> run ok?

The servlet specification is designed to allow webapps to call the shots
where libraries are concerned. Sometimes there are problems with the
spec and/or an implementation (like Tomcat) that allow incompatibilities
to arise, but most of those have been taken care of by now.

XML libraries have been a problem in past versions of Tomcat, but I know
that I definitely use Xerces in a webapp and I'm sure that it is
incompatible with whatever ships with the JRE given it's age.

- -chris
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