Thank you for the response, we have activated the write permissions for this user and now it works.


El 22/12/2010 23:50, Pid * escribió:
On 22 Dec 2010, at 10:39, "Nuria Sánchez Almodóvar"<>  

Good morning,

We are trying to run axis2/Apache on Windows 7.  If we try to launch Tomcat as 
Administrator it works fine and the service we have developed is shown as part 
of the available services for axis2.
Apache version?
Tomcat version?

However, if we try the same but with a different user (also with administrator 
privileges) we got a SEVERE error 'exception fixing docbase [/axis2]' and a 
list of exceptions because for some reason the axis2.war cannot be correctly 
unpackaged and consequently the corresponding folder cannot be found, resources 
cannot be copied, etc. (Attached you can find a screenshot, sorry it is in 
The list strips attachments. Can you post error text online?

Please post your server.xml inline, after removing the XML comments
and obscuring any passwords.

Does the other user have write permission in the directories in which
Tomcat is installed?

We have tried different options without success. We are not sure about how to 
modify the initial configuration of Tomcat in order to change the user to run 
Tomcat or maybe this is not the problem.
Are you using the service wrapper or .bat files to start Tomcat?


Any help will be more than welcome!

Thank you very much in advance for your kindly support.

Best Regards,


Nuria S�nchez Almod�var

g...@tv - Grupo de Aplicaci�n de Telecomunicaciones Visuales
Dpto. Se�ales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones (SSR)

Telf: +34 91 336 73 44

E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaci�n (UPM)
Laboratorio C-300
Ciudad Universitaria s/n
28040 - Madrid

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Nuria Sánchez Almodóvar

g...@tv - Grupo de Aplicación de Telecomunicaciones Visuales
Dpto. Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones (SSR)

Telf: +34 91 336 73 44

E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación (UPM)
Laboratorio C-300
Ciudad Universitaria s/n
28040 - Madrid

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