The logging page which I pointed you to, does not say that Tomcat uses log4j.
It says that you /can/ configure Tomcat to use log4j, instead of the default "juli" logging. It even provides instructions to do so.

The AccessLogValve documentation page does not say either that it uses log4j.
But what it does say at the very beginning, is that the output file is changed every day at midnight. So if you only read the files up to last night at midnight, you will never encounter the problem that something is still writing to it.

Also, I do not know what your ultimate purpose is, but there exist already several open-source programs which read a logfile in the format produced by the Tomcat AccessLogValve, parse it, and produce nice graphical statistics out of it (like webalizer or awstats). Maybe you are re-inventing something which already exists ?

Web access statistics are not usually something which needs to be accurate in 
Having Tomcat writing them directly to a database may have a noticeable impact on your applications performance. That's why this is something usually done off-line.

maven apache wrote:
Perhaps I’m not making myself clear,in fact I want to do some processing
work to the the logs created by the access log

For example:the log: - - [08/Dec/2010:08:44:43 +0800] "GET /poi.txt HTTP/1.1"
200 672 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8"

will be saved in the db in this format:

ip                  time                            method
uri               status    bytes      browser                  platform
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010-10-08 08:44:43  GET    /poi.txt    200    672
Firefox/3.6.8    winxp

And now I meet some problems when I read the log file like:

I read the file line by line,but sometime I can not get a complete line
since this file may be written in.

So,someone suggest me add a db appender(log4j),which will do the procesing
work and then export the log to db.


Now,from the link you give me ,it seems that tomcat does use log4j to create
its access log.

2010/12/25 André Warnier <>


It is not very clear what you are asking, specially since you do not
specify which version of Tomcat your are using, under which Java version and
on which platform.

Assuming you are using Tomcat 6.0.x, the on-line documentation for logging
is here :

Maybe read it first, and then come back if you have a specific question ?
(But then try to specify the question clearly)

maven apache wrote:

I wonder how is the tomcat log generated,I mean the log like this;


I want to export the logs to db. Some one suggestion I directly add
one Appender <>

if tomcat also uses log4j to generate the logs and I have access to
the tomcat's log4j config file.

More details can be found in this post:

So I wonder if this is possible?

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