2010/12/25 André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>

> The logging page which I pointed you to, does not say that Tomcat uses
> log4j.
> It says that you /can/ configure Tomcat to use log4j, instead of the
> default "juli" logging.  It even provides instructions to do so.
> The AccessLogValve documentation page does not say either that it uses
> log4j.
> But what it does say at the very beginning, is that the output file is
> changed every day at midnight.  So if you only read the files up to last
> night at midnight, you will never encounter the problem that something is
> still writing to it.
> Also, I do not know what your ultimate purpose is, but there exist already
> several open-source programs which read a logfile in the format produced by
> the Tomcat AccessLogValve, parse it, and produce nice graphical statistics
> out of it (like webalizer or awstats).  Maybe you are re-inventing something
> which already exists ?

Unfortunately yes,our boss want our own analyzer system based on java. :(

> Web access statistics are not usually something which needs to be accurate
> in real-time.
> Having Tomcat writing them directly to a database may have a noticeable
> impact on your applications performance. That's why this is something
> usually done off-line.
In fact,I just analyzer the logs before yesterday,it is also my boss who
require the real-time(almost) analysis .:)

Thank you anyway,although having Tomcat writing logs directly to a database
may cause performance problem,it is another way. My boss will decide it :)

> maven apache wrote:
>> Perhaps I’m not making myself clear,in fact I want to do some processing
>> work to the the logs created by the access log
>> valve<
>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/valve.html#Access_Log_Valve
>> >to
>> database.
>> For example:the log:
>> - - [08/Dec/2010:08:44:43 +0800] "GET /poi.txt HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 672 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US;
>> rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8"
>> will be saved in the db in this format:
>> ip                  time                            method
>> uri               status    bytes      browser                  platform
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 2010-10-08 08:44:43  GET    /poi.txt    200    672
>> Firefox/3.6.8    winxp
>> And now I meet some problems when I read the log file like:
>> localhost_access_log.2010-12-20.txt
>> I read the file line by line,but sometime I can not get a complete line
>> since this file may be written in.
>> So,someone suggest me add a db appender(log4j),which will do the procesing
>> work and then export the log to db.
>> -------
>> Now,from the link you give me ,it seems that tomcat does use log4j to
>> create
>> its access log.
>> 2010/12/25 André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>
>>  Hi.
>>> It is not very clear what you are asking, specially since you do not
>>> specify which version of Tomcat your are using, under which Java version
>>> and
>>> on which platform.
>>> Assuming you are using Tomcat 6.0.x, the on-line documentation for
>>> logging
>>> is here :
>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/logging.html
>>> Maybe read it first, and then come back if you have a specific question ?
>>> (But then try to specify the question clearly)
>>> maven apache wrote:
>>>  Hi:
>>>> I wonder how is the tomcat log generated,I mean the log like this;
>>>> localhost_access_log.2010-12-20.txt
>>>> I want to export the logs to db. Some one suggestion I directly add
>>>> one Appender <http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/index.html>
>>>> if tomcat also uses log4j to generate the logs and I have access to
>>>> the tomcat's log4j config file.
>>>> More details can be found in this post:
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4486620/randomaccessfile-probelm
>>>> So I wonder if this is possible?
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