Mark I'm not sure I fully agree with your last answers. The purpose, to me, 
would be to extend the capabilities of chunked transfer encoding rather than to 
implement chunked transfer encoding. They are optional after all. Being 
then I would view them moe as a feature or extension but this is merely wording 
so I am splitting hairs here.

I appreciate the time you've taken to reply on this.


From: Mark Thomas <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 January, 2011 16:39:31
Subject: Re: Tomcat and HTTP chunk extensions

On 05/01/2011 15:21, EOIN MCQUILLAN wrote:
> Mark - would you be able to explain to me then what your understanding is of 
> intended use of chunk extensions within HTTP?

To implement chunked transfer encoding.

> I understand what you are saying and I understand I may be pushing boundaries 
> with what I am doing here and may write some of my own stuff for this purpose 
> however the extensions look like a useful feature anyway so I'd be interested 
> knowing your opinion on them.

Chunked extentions are not a feature. They are a component part of
chunked transfer encoding.


> ________________________________
> From: Mark Thomas <>
> To: Tomcat Users List <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 5 January, 2011 14:58:55
> Subject: Re: Tomcat and HTTP chunk extensions
> On 05/01/2011 14:52, EOIN MCQUILLAN wrote:
>> Mark - maybe I am pushing the boundaries with what I am doing here however 
>> given 
>> the HTTP RFC provides us with a chunk extension capability then I would have 
>> assumed there would exist an set of API calls within Tomcat that allow us to 
>> read/write a chunk extension?
> Your assumption is wrong. There is no such API.
> The HTTP protocol does not allow for client/server during a
> request/response. The client sends a request message, the server replies
> with a response message. That is all you have to work with.
> To repeat what I wrote before. Chunking is a transfer encoding. It
> applies *per link*, not end to end.
> Mark
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