
I'm getting huge logs (50MB after startup) in catalina.out despite having 
turned all logging up to SEVERE in my logging.property files.  
I'm hoping someone can point me to the right thread, as I'm sure others 
wouldn't have put up with 50MB logs out of the box as long as I have.  After 
going over the docs several times, I see that the standard LogManager "JULI 
uses either a programmatic approach, or properties files", so I'm guessing that 
it's using a programmatic approach, but there is no mention of how to make my 
logging use the property files.  I'm tried modifying both files to no effect:

The docs say:
Here is how you would set debugging from Tomcat. You would need to ensure the 
ConsoleHandler's level is also set to collect this threshold, 
so FINEST or ALL should be set. Please refer to Sun's java.util.logging 
documentation for the complete details.

However, the string "org.apache.catalina.level" is not found in the 
logging.properties file in apache's conf directory.
In-fact, the only place that string is found is in 
/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/webapps/docs/logging.html, as well as startup scripts but 
there is no dicsussion on the java loggin overview of how to set he level.

I'm running Fedora 14 by the way.  I been through a lot of archives searching 
from various angles, found similar problems, but none with sufficient answers 
for my problem.  I haven't changed anything else in the properties file, so 
they are as shipped with Tomcat 6.0.20.  I haven't tried to implement log4j, as 
java.util.logging with JULI would be fine if I didn't have to hear digesters 
every bowel movement like this:

1162113  Jan 5, 2011 4:28:59 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester 
1162114  FINE:   bodyText=''



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