Thanks. I think the Webmodule has something i could use. There is an Mbean
in WebModule/Attributes/State. The value of the state attribute is 1.
Presumabely this is the state of the context deployed? Where can i find the
documentation of the different states the web module can be?


On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Pid <> wrote:

> On 1/6/11 7:33 PM, Ziggy wrote:
> > I have gone through all the mbeans by using Jconsole but i cant find the
> one
> > i need that tells me that the application is active and running.
> You want Catalina:type=WebModule or Catalina:type=Manager depending on
> what your requirements are.
> I'm pretty sure I've posted this once already today, you might consider
> reading the other JMX thread.
> p

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