On 1/14/11 10:31 PM, g f wrote:
> Hello all,
> Not sure if this is the proper area to post but here goes.
> I have a debian os running Apache 2.2.16(debian) along with tomcat 6.0.29. I
> use mod_jk as well as mod_auth_kerb module for apache.
> I use common access cards and allow apache kerb module to handle all auth
> and it works just fine except when I access some of my apps that have ajax
> calls back to the same server. Now if I force common access card in apache I
> get errors in catalina.out as follows:
> javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert:
> handshake_failure.
> Now as I said I dont do any auth at the tomcat level its all done at the
> apache level. It seems like tomcat is trying to validate the client certs
> that mod_jk is passing along. The question is, how do I tell tomcat to
> ignore the client certs?
> I only have the AJP connector active in tomcat and it looks like the
> following:
> <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"
> tomcatAuthentication="false" clientAuth="false" SSLVerifyClient="false" />
> Any ideas?

Umm, that sounds odd.

Do you get any messages about the connector during server startup?

Do you get a stacktrace or just a log message?  What is the full log
line or stack?

> If there is an easy way to accept the client certs (even though I do nothing
> with them) then I could do that as well.

Are you sure it's not due to an outbound connection attempt from some
part of your app?


> Thanks for any advice and sorry if this is not the correct forum for this.

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