On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Reinwald Warapen <reinwal...@directi.com>wrote:
> @Martin :Actually I was trying to write my own Session Manager since i
> wanted to store the session into mysql. The issue was when deserializing
> Tomcat could not find the classes since the objects stored in the sessions
> are related to my web-app.
> Reading the docs I found another solution which worked in my case
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo#How_do_I_add_JARs_or_classes_to_the_common_classloader_without_adding_them_to_.24CATALINA_HOME.2BAC8-common.2BAC8-lib.3F

Another option would be to extend PersistentManager to satisfy your
requirements, as it provides much of what you want. IIRC the main "issue"
for you was that swapOut/swapIn is done in the background thread right now.
If you extend PersistentManager you could reuse JDBCStore (and friends) -
this would also be a nice contribution to the tomcat community :-)


> @ All : Also wanted to mentioned that the memcached-session-manager which
> Martin has created is an awesome idea if you want to back up sessions to
> memcache.
>> Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Mark,
>>> On 1/19/2011 2:27 PM, Reinwald Warapen wrote:
>>>> On 1/20/2011 12:47 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>>> On 19/01/2011 19:17, Reinwald Warapen wrote:
>>>>>> I am writing a serializer/deserializer functionality (used in my
>>>>>> custom
>>>>>> session manager that extends ManagerBase). When deserializing I get
>>>>>> loads of java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: exceptions. All the classes
>>>>>> for which the exceptions are thrown can be found in my
>>>>>> webapp/WEB-INF/classes. How do I configure it such that the
>>>>>> webapp/WEB-INF/classes are visible to the libs placed in Tomcat/lib.?
>>>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/class-loader-howto.html
>>>> I did go through this before posting here. Its mentioned "All unpacked
>>>> classes and resources in |$CATALINA_HOME/lib|, as well as classes and
>>>> resources in JAR files are made visible through this class loader". But
>>>> theres no mention about the visibility of the webapp/WEB-INF/classes to
>>>> the classes in |$CATALINA_HOME/lib.So is there no way to configure the
>>>> same?
>>> Pretty much no.
>>> Tomcat can deserialize your webapp's sessions after a redeploy because
>>> it uses the webapp's ClassLoader to resolve everything. In your case,
>>> you have no way to get to the webapp's ClassLoader so you are pretty
>>> much stuck.
>>> What kind of serialization/deserialization are you writing? Why is this
>>> running at the Tomcat level instead of within your webapp?
>>> - -chris
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Martin Grotzke
http://twitter.com/martin_grotzke <http://twitter.com/#!/martin_grotzke>

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